Please help out where you can as all tasks at the club are done by club members volunteering their time and energies.
Please volunteer with the running of the club:
- Repack the drinks fridge
- Replenish the bathroom supplies from the storage cupboards in the kitchen
- Take a bag of rubbish away with you from the club. Spare replacement rubbish bags are available in the kitchen. Double bag the rubbish as this helps avoid leakages.
- Empty/pack the dishwasher
- Put your dirty coffee/tea cups in the dishwasher
- Clean the coffee machine
- Tidy the kitchen
- Sweep the indoor halls
- Clean the bathrooms
- etc
If you shoot at the club please do not leave until you have helped pack away equipment, this is your responsible as a fellow club member or parent of a member. Able-bodied adults are to pull in target butts and stack them either just outside or in the shed. If the targets are too heavy or may cause injury do not try to shift them.
Please do not leave any drink containers or cans behind the line at the end of the day. It is all members’ responsibility to put their rubbish in the appropriate bins and if you see any stray rubbish help out by picking it up and keeping our grounds tidy.